View our GP GDPR Privacy Notice here: GDPR
GDPR Opt-Out
The NHS will be changing how it shares your GP medical record. The General Practice Data for Planning and Research data extract by NHS Digital from GP Practices across England will help the NHS to improve health and care services for everyone, by collecting patient data and holding it in a central national database.
This is an upgrade to an existing similar process called GPES – General Practice Extract Service, this new data collection will be more efficient, effective, and much more frequent.
For example, patient data held in this new national database can help the NHS to:
- monitor the long-term safety and effectiveness of care
- plan how to deliver better health and care services
- prevent the spread of infectious diseases
- identify new treatments and medicines through health research
If you would not like your GP data shared with NHS Digital using GPDPR, you need to register an opt-out with us by:
- Emailing a copy of the form to
- Dropping the form off to our reception or post box
- Posting the form to us
In this article we explain:
- How the opt-outs work
- What you might want to consider before making a decision
Visit for more information to help you decide and to download an Opt-Out form.